blood pressure-cause-symptoms-prevention

Blood pressure.
Blood pressure is being one of the usual problems in many people regardless of age. But what this is actually deal with our body and heart.
My main objective of this article is to explain what is blood pressure and cause of blood pressure (BP) in layman terms.
Blood pressure is the energy that forces into and makes blood exerts on to your main arteries as it flows all the way through to your body.

If you are a person who have high blood pressure, it means your blood is exerts too much force in the direction of flow on to your arteries.
And is making your heart’s job more complicated by pumping blood more hard than it does.
As of now, our heart is a commanding and well-organized muscle, But if it’s made compelled too work hard than before,
And that for too long it can enlarge than usual, tire out or fail, resulting a stroke, heart attack or an unexpected early death.
High Blood pressure
High blood pressure has become very common these days. High blood pressure occurs when the person gets angry, is unhappy or when there is a pressure on the blood vessels.
The normal blood pressure is – 130/80 but the patient with high blood pressure will have – 140/90 or more.
Symptoms of blood pressure.
Symptoms of high BP are headache, palpitation, neck pain or a feeling of tiredness.
As high BP exerts more pressure on the heart, it may website lead to heart failure, parlaytic stroke, perspiration or cardiac arrest.
High BP cause danger to the kidneys. This is known by frequent passing urine and increase here in thirst.
The patient complains of headache and neck click here pain. He or she feels very weak, the heartbeat websiteclick here increases.
The patient has frequent urination and feels disheartened. The patient should control these symptoms otherwise the risk of the heart attack is increasing.
The kidneys play an important role in controlling the blood pressure.
Living with high blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure, it is important that you; keep track of your levels.
learn to take your own blood pressure at home or have it regularly checked by a health care professional. Write it down each time (with date).
Talk to your health care provider about the names and dosage of your blood pressure medicine and hoe to take them.
If you think you’ re having other problems (side effects) from taking your medicine, talk to your doctor another medicine may be better for you. or the problem may not be related to the medicine.
Choose healthier habits- for example, eat a heart healthy diet, exercise regularly, and don’t smoke.
Remember, high blood pressure has no symptoms. If ypu have it, you cannot tell by the way you feel when your body levels high.

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